Cofee table that could be a dinner table
This design element expresses the ability to make dynamic something that is intrinsically static. Coffe table and dining table at the same time. All in a single element able to change shape, level and destination use only through simple movements. A sequence of easy translations and rotations movements solve a space problem in a small environment, giving the chance to have both a dining room or just a relaxing room in the same location, to have lunch or not as on demand in that moment.
Orama Design
Milano, IT
Luca Bigliardi, Luca Gobbo
Established in 2007 PRINCIPIOATTIVO is a young, dynamic architecture firm based in Italy. It operates nationally and internationally with a collaborative approach. Proactivity is our key-word. We don’t wait for things to happen, we create teams and shape situations to clients giving different visions and making them real and easy to understand. Curiosity and enthusiasm are part of our team and ourselves.
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Email: info@principioattivo.eu
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