First KFC restaurant in the North Italia.
The first KFC ofthe Northern Italy. The typical style of the famous fried chicken restaurant has been reviewed and designed creating areas and new seats towards the common space, the Court and Lingotto corridors.
Sezak Srl
Torino, IT
Planning, Design, Site Construction Management, Safety Coordination
Interior, Food Retail
Luca Bigliardi, Luca Gobbo, Matteo Marconi, Simona Castagliuolo, Alessia De Luca
Luca Bigliardi
Established in 2007 PRINCIPIOATTIVO is a young, dynamic architecture firm based in Italy. It operates nationally and internationally with a collaborative approach. Proactivity is our key-word. We don’t wait for things to happen, we create teams and shape situations to clients giving different visions and making them real and easy to understand. Curiosity and enthusiasm are part of our team and ourselves.
Via Vigevano 35
20144 Milano
(+39) 02 02030571
Via XII Ottobre, 2
16121 Genova
(+39) 010 596 0154
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