Concept for the regeneration of the area Ex Macello
Concept for the regeneration of the area Ex Macello located in Milan, zone Est. A huge space un-used for years that could become a new example of public park placed quite close from the centre of Milan, with an innovation Hub for agriculture and logistic system.
More in details the idea is to place a drone park, an area for hydroponic culture, another for events and urban gardens. A space to give back to citizens. To live Milan. Open air all around
Sogemi Spa
Milano, IT
Public Space
Luca Bigliardi, Luca Gobbo, Daniela Dafarra, Riccardo Colombo, Simona Castagliuolo, Federica Bosacchi
Established in 2007 PRINCIPIOATTIVO is a young, dynamic architecture firm based in Italy. It operates nationally and internationally with a collaborative approach. Proactivity is our key-word. We don’t wait for things to happen, we create teams and shape situations to clients giving different visions and making them real and easy to understand. Curiosity and enthusiasm are part of our team and ourselves.
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