Concept for a new innovative ecological school in Bologna. The idea behind the project is to reduce the impact on the environment throughout “terracings”, private hypogeum occluded gardens, protected to strangers.
After having analysed the site exposition to the natural light, the classrooms have been placed in order to receive sunlight in the best possible way, and at the same time facing a green zone. Other activities as the Agorà and the Gym have been designed and opened to public, in addition to the school members.
Comune di Bologna
Bologna, IT
Luca Bigliardi, Daniela Dafarra, Guido Previtali, Riccardo Colombo, Claudia Begni, Oscar Bigliardi
Established in 2007 PRINCIPIOATTIVO is a young, dynamic architecture firm based in Italy. It operates nationally and internationally with a collaborative approach. Proactivity is our key-word. We don’t wait for things to happen, we create teams and shape situations to clients giving different visions and making them real and easy to understand. Curiosity and enthusiasm are part of our team and ourselves.
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